video investigation by Biofuelwatch and Portuguese NGO Zero shows impacts...
Joint investigation into wood sourcing for Drax pellet mills in British...
Joint Letter by BiofuelwAtch, Dogwood Alliance, Natural Resources Defense Council and...
Biomassekodex für Tiefstack birgt die Gefahr, schwerwiegende schäden für klime und...
Briefing paper by Estonian Fund for Nature, analysing the demand for...
Umweltorganisationen warnen vor Klima- und Umweltauswirkungen / Aktuelle LEAG-Pläne zu sogenanntem...
Hintergrundpapier veröffentlicht von Deutsche Umwelthilfe, Biofuelwatch, ROBIN WOOD und NABU, September...
Converting Huntly Power Plant to Biomass: Impacts on Forests and Climate...
Joint open letter by 31 organisations from the Netherlands and five...
Offener Brief von ROBIN WOOD e.V., Deutsche Umwelthilfe e.V., Biofuelwatch, Naturschutzbund...
This briefing looks at Albioma’s conversion of coal power plants in...
Impacts on climate, forests and public health UPDATE: On 15th February...