For more than 5 years Biofuelwatch has been tracking and researching a variety of legislative, regulatory and permitting processes in California related to the mission of the organization to advocate for public engagement on bioenergy issues and land sector focused climate policy. This has inevitably led us to work on many matters, ranging from wood pellet plants to carbon markets, from legislative and agency promotion of dubious carbon dioxide removal technologies to the controversial conversion of refineries in the San Francisco Bay Area to processing high deforestation risk soy-based ‘drop-in’ diesel and jet fuels.
The following are some examples of our advocacy, reporting and communications efforts on a variety of crucial climate, forest and bioenergy issues in California.
The Opinion Piece That California Media Will Not Publish: Moving Beyond High Carbon Bioenergy
Renewable Diesel Is Not Renewable
California Governor Surprises With Common Sense Veto of State Aviation Greenwash Legislation
Resist The Siren Call of Aviation Biofuels
Tidal Wave of Environmental Review Documents Released for California Biofuel Refinery Projects
California Refinery Pivot to Soy-Based Diesel Threatens Forests and Communities in Paraguay
California Refinery Switch to Biofuels Is Not As Green As It Sounds
Biofuelwatch Sounds Alarm on Sudden Pivot to Soy-Based Diesel in California Refinery Sector
Legislative Matters:
California Senate Doubles Down on Speculative Climate Technologies and Advances CDR Markets Bill
Open Letter to California State Assembly Opposing California Tropical Forest Standard
Carbon Markets:
Woody Biomass and Wood Pellets:
California’s Forests Targeted As Feedstock For Global Wood Bioenergy Industry
The Curious Case of Red Rock Biofuels
To see a longer list of articles and reporting about Biofuelwatch work in California visit this page here.
Please consider supporting our work in California by making a secure online donation.