Do you ever wish you had a two-page info sheet to explain the basics of what’s wrong with biomass electricity and why we campaign about Drax Power Station? Well, now you have.
Biomass fact sheet web view
Biomass fact sheet print quality
Drax fact sheet web view
Drax fact sheet print quality
Please feel free to download, print and share far and wide.
If this information inspires you to get more involved in the campaign, here are some things you can do:
- contact your local MP asking them to support our campaign to scrap subsidies for burning wood;
- organise a screening of the award-winning documentary “Burned: are trees the new coal?” in your area (we can help);
- sign up to receive Biofuelwatch news and alerts;
- follow us on twitter and facebook.
For more information on biomass, see our biomass basics and FAQs pages.
For more on Drax Power Station, see our Axe Drax campaign page.