Declarations, joint statements and open letters
Open Letter by civil society organisations in pellet-exporting countries to Secretary of State Ed Miliband
Click here to read the annotated letter with the list of...
Open Letter by Environmental and Climate Organisations regarding KfW finance for wood biomass energy in Serbia
Click here to read the letter with the list of 41 signatory...
Berliner Fernwärme klimafreundlich und ohne Ausweitung der Holzverbrennung gestalten!
Offener Brief von Umwelt- und Klimaschutzorganisationen sowie Wissenschaft and die Berliner...
Open Letter to Vattenfall, 2024
Joint open letter to Ms Anna Borg, Vattenfall CEO by Fridays...
Offener Brief: Deutschland muss die Verbrennung von Waldholz endlich eindämmen
Offener Brief and Bundesminister für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz Robert Habeck, 14.9.2023...
Joint Letter to Dutch MPs ahead of Biomass Roundtable
Joint Letter by BiofuelwAtch, Dogwood Alliance, Natural Resources Defense Council and...
Open Letter to Vattenfall
Vatenfall must stop destroying forests and worsening climate chaos Vattenfall is...
Civil society statement denouncing Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil
Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil: 19 years is enough Click here...
Real Zero Europe Statement
To avoid the worst effects of climate chaos, we must radically...
Open Letter to Governor Cooper: Stop the expansion of the wood pellet industry
Biofuelwatch and 71 other environmental and climate justice organisations based in...
Open Letter to Dutch House of Representatives
Joint open letter by 31 organisations from the Netherlands and five...