Declarations and statements – biofuels and oil crops
Civil society statement denouncing Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil
Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil: 19 years is enough Click here...
Joint Letter to UK Secretary of State for Transport: Prioritising food security over biofuels
Dear Mr Shapps, 24th March 2022 – As the world looks...
Civil society groups reject the impact of an exponential growth of the Bioeconomy
Open Letter to the members of the BioFuture Platform, signed by...
Open Letter by 200 Indonesian communityleaders opposing biofuels from palm oil
An Open Letter to the President of the Republic of Indonesia,...
Open Letter against aviation biofuels and offsets to ICAO Council
International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) Council must ditch biofuel plans and...
Carta Abierta: El consejo de OACI debe abandonar sus planes de usar biocombustibles y el mito del crecimiento ‘neutral’ de carbono
El consejo de la Organización de Aviación Civil Internacional (OACI) debe...

MEPs must vote against new destructive biofuel and biomass incentives
The plenary of the European Parliament will vote on the renewed...
ICAOs Pläne für Biokraftstoffe in der Luftfahrt: eine gefährliche Ablenkung
Klicken Sie hier fuer eine PDF von dem offenen Brief mit...
Los planes de la OACI de usar biocombustibles en la aviación: una peligrosa distracción
Para bajar un pdf con la lista completa de organizaciones que...
Port Loko Declaration: Women say “We want our lands back!”
Declaration by groups of women affected by the expansion of industrial...
Declaration: Large-scale bioenergy must be excluded from the renewable energy definition
[Signed by 132 civil society organisations and social networks from 45...