Infopapier von NABU, Deutsche Umwelthilfe, ROBIN WOOD und Biofuelwatch Bitte hier...
Le biochar constitue une nouvelle menace pour les forêts françaises Résumé...
MIRAIA’s Garlin biochar project – joint report by Biofuelwatch and Forêts...
Die Pläne für ein riesiges Altholzkraftwerk in Stade Gemeinsames Infopapier von...
Power2X proposes destroying ancient forest for a technology with a long...
Bioenergy: The Fake Renewable Energy Burning through the World’s Forests 1st...
With a new Government just elected, it’s vital that we ensure...
The general election that is scheduled for July 4, 2024, presents...
video investigation by Biofuelwatch and Portuguese NGO Zero shows impacts...
Biofuelwatch and Stop Burning Trees Press Release For immediate release Climate...