Introduction Le projet E-CHO est un plan ambitieux impliquant trois projets...
Introduction The E-CHO project is an ambitious proposal involving three different...
Trees from clearcutting in Portuguese nature reserve found to have gone...
video investigation by Biofuelwatch and Portuguese NGO Zero shows impacts...
What’s happening? The United Nations International Day of Forests (21st March)...
Gemeinsames Informationspapier, veröffentlicht von NABU, Deutsche Umwelthilfe, ROBIN WOOD, Biofuelwatch, Greenpeace...
Gemeinsame Pressemitteilung von NABU, DUH, Robin Wood, biofuelwatch, BUND Berlin, Greenpeace...
Joint Response by Biofuelwatch and Stop Burning Trees to DESNZ consultation...
28th February 2024 – A new investigation published today by...
Joint investigation into wood sourcing for Drax pellet mills in British...
Welcome to our first newsletter of 2024 full of updates about...