Joint briefing by Biofuelwatch and the Environmental Paper Network’s Forests, Climate...
Download our BECCS factsheet with a focus on Drax’s proposal to...
A new report published today by Biofuelwatch has revealed that bioenergy...
Biofuelwatch response to Scottish Government consultation about Draft Hydrogen Action Plan,...
On 9th November 2021 Biofuelwatch, in collaboration with the Global Forest...
Written Responses from Drax Consultation Team from between 17th and 23rd...
Background: For more than 5 years Biofuelwatch has been tracking and...
Holzverbrennug in Großkraftwerken wird als klimaneutral beworben. Warum ist das eine...
Biofuelwatch was pleased to submit this response to a Call For...
Biofuelwatch joins groups from around the world to raise awareness of...
Energy Charter Treaty: Including bioenergy within its remit would make this...
WRITTEN Responses from Drax Consultation Team 15/3/2021 Drax has also responded...