Bürgerinitiative und Umweltorganisationen veröffentlichen Infopapier Gemeinsame Pressemitteilung von ROBIN WOOD, Biofuelwatch,...
Offener Brief von Umwelt- und Klimaschutzorganisationen sowie Wissenschaft and die Berliner...
In late September, just days prior to the end of the...
Good news from the Netherlands, where campaign groups have been working...
Objection to application for a Lawful Development Certificate for a biomass...
Along with Dogwood Alliance and in support of Friends of the...
Biofuelwatch planning objection to the amended proposal for a mixed waste...
Biofuelwatch, Dogwood Alliance and Friends of the Irish Environment have submitted objections...
Update: In March 2019, Falkirk Council rejected a planning application which...
Biofuelwatch objection to a planning application related to a wood gasification...
Biofuelwatch objection RWE Generation UK plc application for a reserve generation...
Drax Plc plans to rebuild either one or both of its two...