Comite Schone Lucht starts a campaign against the new biomass plant of the (Swedish) energy company Vattenfall in Diemen. The biomass plant is planned for the heatnetwork of Amsterdam. It will be the biggest biomassplant in the Netherlands. Yearly 200.000 tonnes of woodpellets, will be imported and there is much opposition against it.
Dr. Fenna Swart, chairwomen for the Clean Air Committee, Dr. Maarten Visschers from Leefmilieu and Drs. Johan Vollenbroek, chairman for Mobilisation for the Environment have written an opinion article about the protest against the planned construction of the largest biomass power plant in the Netherlands. They have also written to the Swedish CEO of energy company Vattenfall, Anna Borg, asking to stop the initiative while it is still possible.
The protest campaign ‘Tour de Biomassa; ‘ will take place in and around Amsterdam from the 28th January to the 1st February. The court hearings against the environment and nature permit of the planned biomass plant of Vattenfall will happen on the 1st February.