In 2018, the government finally introduced stricter greenhouse gas limits and minimum efficiency standards for biomass plants, which has prevented even more subsidies being awarded to burning wood in power plants. This followed many years of campaigning by Biofuelwatch and our allies. Those vital gains were at risk of being lost, but thanks to your/biofuelwatch supports’ help, the government is keeping these higher standards.
Thank you for supporting this campaigning and making it a success.
This means that new biomass plants will be effectively excluded from future allocation of CfD subsidies, which will instead be able to go to wind, solar etc.
But existing biomass plants like Drax are still receiving huge subsidies every year under ROCs, and our campaign to put a stop to these continues.
You can continue to support and take action by:
1.Visiting our UK: End Biomass subsides page and taking action
2.Sign up to our mailing list to keep up to take on our campaigns and future actions