Stop Enviva’s planned pellet plant to feed growing UK demand for biomass

Rising Up with Richmond County

Rural Richmond County NC, already an epicenter of environmental Injustice, faces its newest threat from wood pellet plant, Enviva. Stand with the people of Concern Citizens of Richmond County to stop this facility from being built! A victory in Richmond County is a victory for the South, for the forests, and for all the communities in the South who face environmental injustice. ACT NOW:

Posted by Dogwood Alliance on Thursday, 15 June 2017

Rural Richmond County in North Carolina, already an epicenter of environmental injustice, faces its newest threat from wood pellet plant, Enviva. This proposed plant will supply Enviva’s 1m tonne pellet contract with MGT Power’s Teesside biomass plant in the UK. 

On the UK’s National Clean Air Day (15 June) watch this seven and a half minute documentary on how this plant will affect local citizens. Previous pellet plants have increased airborne particulates (grade 1 carcinogens) by 75% over pre-operation levels.

The mill will cause the destruction of more than 50 acres of forest every day, which will be pelletised, transported to the UK and burned at little over 35% efficiency, making climate change worse and polluting local citizens in the UK. We estimate MGT Power will receive nearly £200m of bill-payers money a year in subsidies. This project is being supported by Macquarie Bank and PKA the Danish government pension scheme.

Stand with the people of Concern Citizens of Richmond County to stop this facility from being built! A victory in Richmond County is a victory for the South, for the forests, and for all the communities in the South who face environmental injustice. And would be a major set-back for the Teesside project, currently under construction.

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