14.09.23 Deutschland muss die Verbrennung von Waldholz endlich eindämmen! Abstimmung über die Novelle der EU-Erneuerbare-Energien-Richtlinie (RED III) / Offener Brief... ▶
12.06.23 Press release about international NGO letter to the Dutch parliamentary Biomass Roundtable International NGOs call for immediate end to biomass subsideis ahead of... ▶
29.05.20 Press release: Campaigners warn consultation loophole could lead to more subsidies for forest destruction London, 29th May 2020 – Today, hundreds of environmental campaigners are... ▶
22.10.14 Groups across the US denounce “National Bioenergy Day” as a dirty sham For Immediate Release October 22, 2014 Groups across the US denounce... ▶