New Biofuelwatch report on aviation biofuels released 6th October 2017 How...
Report on aviation biofuels raises alarm about links to land grabs,...
Bioenergy in the European Commission’s proposed post-202 EU Renewable Energy Directive:...
For Immediate Release: April 6th, 2016 Contact: Almuth Ernsting, Biofuelwatch Co-Director,...
Solazyme/Terra Via: Synthetic Biology Company Claimed to be Capable of Replacing...
[Signed by 132 civil society organisations and social networks from 45...
Press release: Tuesday 8th September, 2015 International coalition of green groups...
Update: The application has since been approved by the Planning Inspectorate,...
Residents and environmental campaigners to protest against ‘dirty and unsustainable’ biomass...
We’ll be speaking at a Transition & Friends of the Earth...
Report by Biofuelwatch about BP’s role in the global agrofuel industry
Report by Biofuelawtch about Shell’s investments in agrofuels