Become an MP Outreach Volunteer

Do you want to create political change and are you passionate about stopping the disastrous subsidy regime that is using UK energy bills to fund dirty tree-burning power stations like Drax in Yorkshire and Lynemouth in Northumberland? We are looking for a number of MP Outreach Volunteers who will work on our campaign team to get MPs to sign our Pledge to take a stand against all subsidies for burning wood in power stations. 

As an MP Outreach Volunteer you will have the chance to contact and meet with your MP to talk to them about how they can help to stop subsidies for tree burning in power stations and to transfer this funding to genuine climate solutions like home insulation and actual renewables such as wind and solar power. Through building a relationship and influencing your MP to sign the pledge, you will play a key role in helping to protect forests, wildlife, communities and the climate. 

You will be supported by Biofuelwatch UK campaigners with a range of resources including campaign resources, recordings of online training and a welcome call at 6.30pm on the 7th of December where you can ask any further questions, to register for this please sign up here.

If you are interested, you can find out more through this resource pack here and complete the google form which can be found through this link here

Please feel free to email us at with the subject ‘Become an MP Outreach Volunteer’  if you have any questions about the role or if you would like further information.