Biomass campaign materials and briefings
A list of peer-reviewed studies, NGO reports, briefings and letters on biomass
Why biomass electricity should not receive renewable energy subsidies
Frequently Asked Questions about Biomass – and their answers
Introduction to wood pellets and plantations
Briefing about the Holyhead biomass power station proposal by Orthios Group
Briefing about the conversion of the mothballed Lynemouth Power Station to biomass by EPH
Burning Wood in Power Stations – Public Health Impacts
Biomass Sustainability Standards – a Credible Tool for Avoiding Negative Impacts from Large-scale Bioenergy?, joint briefing by Biofuelwatch, Global Forest Coalition and Econexus
Map of UK biomass power stations
US website by Partnership for Policy Integrity:
Our (incl. joint) Reports and publications
Why the UK’s new Sustainability and Greenhouse Gas standards for Biomass Cannot Guarantee sustainability or low carbon impacts, Analysis of the UK’s biomass greenhouse gas and sustainability standards introduced on 1st December 2015, published by Biofuelwatch January 2016
Why the UK’s new Sustainability and Greenhouse Gas Standards for Biomass still allow biomass to pollute more than coal, Joint briefing to MPs about the UK’s biomass greenhouse gas and sustainability standards, Biofuelwatch and Partnership for Policy Integrity, January 2016
Bioenergy Out: Why bioenergy should not be included in the next EU Renewable Energy Directive, Joint briefing by NOAH (Friends of the Earth Denmark), Biofuelwatch, Econexus, Global Forest Coalition, World Rainforest Movement, Rettet den Regenwald e.V./Rainforest Rescue, and Corporate Europe Observatory, September 2015
Can sustainability standards for bioenergy protect forests? Poster for the World Forestry Congress 2015, Biofuelwatch and Global Forest Coalition, September 2015
A new look at land-grabs in the global south linked to EU biomass policies, Biofuelwatch, June 2014
Report by Global Forest Coalition and Biofuelwatch: Wood Bioenergy: Green Land Grabs For Dirty ‘Renewable’ Energy, October 2013
Biofuelwatch Report: Biomass: The Chain of Destruction (including the case report Plantations for Energy: A Case Study of Suzano’s plantations for wood pellet exports in the Baixo Parnaíba region, Maranhão, Brazil by Ivonete Gonçalves de Souza from CEPEDES and Winfridus Overbeek from World Rainforest Movement), October 2013
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Biofuelwatch Report: Sustainable Biomass – A modern myth, September 2012