The Big Bad Fix: The Case Against Climate Geoengineering

Joint report by Heinrich Böll Foundation, ETC Group and Biofuelwatch, 6th December 2017

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The “Big Bad Fix” provides policy makers, journalists, NGO activists, social movements, and other change agents with a comprehensive overview of the key actors, technologies and fora relevant in the geoengineering discourse. It delivers a sound background analysis of the history of geoengineering, the various vested interests shaping it, and case studies on some of the most important technologies and experiments.

It calls for an urgent and immediate ban on the deployment and outdoor testing of Solar Radiation Management technologies for their potential to suspend human rights, democracy, and international peace. It argues for a governance of geoengineering that is participatory and transparent, grounded in international law, built on the precautionary principle and informed by a rigorous debate on real, existing, transformative and just climate policies and practices.

It is a call to action for a movement of movements to come together to oppose geoengineering as a technofix for climate change and as a threat to world peace, democracy and human rights.