Biofuelwatch Announcement List

We have had some bad news regarding our announcement list: the server which had hosted the email list for over five years suffered a major hardware problem. So far, it has not been possible to recover the data, there is no guarantee that it will ever be possible and, moreover, the regular backups that we had been guaranteed had not in fact been done. Sadly, several groups and organisations have been affected.

We have now set up a new email list which we will be using it the same way as the previous one, i.e. to send out occasional newsletters, e-alerts and announcements (see here for the host’s details). The list will only be used by us for announcements and newsletters, not as a discussion forum.

We have contacted those people whose email addresses we were able to access with an email about the loss of data, and inviting them to subscribe to the new list; however, we currently don’t have all of our subscribers’ email addresses. If you would like to be on the new email list and haven’t received a message from us, click here to subscribe yourself. Alternatively, contact us on biofuelwatch[at] and we’ll add you.