Biochar knowledge gaps: Examining the case for biochar Helena Paul, Econexus
Updated briefing (2nd edition) by the African Biodiversity Network, Biofuelwatch and...
The growing links between biochar advocates and the Canadian tar sands...
Article prepared for the Climate Change Conference 2010 at the University...
Charcoal Ain’t Gonna Cool The Planet, Rachel Smolker, Common Dreams
Followed by Separate Statement by three Scientists about Salt Cedars and...
Report published by NOAH (Friends of the Earth Denmark), Grupo de...
Biochar: Can Charcoal Really Stop Global Warming?, Almuth Ernsting, The Ecologist
A declaration signed by around 150 organisations worldwide
A briefing paper by Almuth Ernsting and Rachel Smolker. Please note...
This is a critical analysis of proposals for ‘carbon negative’ bioenergy,...