Battersea Against Biofuels

LATEST: 5.11.2013

The Developers are holding an informal public consultation prior to applying for planning permission for Phase 2. They write:  ‘Following a review of proposed fuels for the energy centre the use of first generation bio-oil as a fuel source is no longer being considered.’

‘The proposed technologies are gas-fired CHP to deliver heat and power backed up by high efficiency gas fired boilers and high efficiency electric chillers to deliver the cooling.’
Biofuelwatch has asked for an exact definition of ‘first-generation bio-oil’ and for board minutes of this and the pledge not to use palm oil.
Gary Edwards, the Technical Director, is still considering using Fleetsolve ‘liquid biomass’ from waste CHP solution, trialling it to power the works on Phase 1. See my 2 page briefing here. Biofuelwatch has pointed out that waste is a finite and declining resource as more people find uses for it. We have asked how they can they guarantee supply and what is to stop them using virgin bio-oils when they become cheaper or more easily available?
The campaign has at least made them rethink. It is interesting that a project owned by the worlds biggest producer of palm oil – probably the greatest driver of rainforest destruction – has decided that first generation bio-oils are not in consideration to power the development. Sime Darby brand themselves as Developing Sustainable Futures! Yet their main product has been rejected on sustainability grounds for use in their flagship property development.

NEWS: The Developers are rethinking their Energy Strategy and will bring it to informal consultation in October/November before submitting it to the full planning process.

A new local group, supported by Biofuelwatch, campaigning to prevent the proposed use of so called ‘low-carbon bio-oil’ to light and heat the massive new development planned for the Battersea Power Station site in London. If approved, this would likely become the UK’s first large bio-oil CHP plant and could send the green light to other companies and investors keen on similar developments. The owners of the power-station include Sime Darby one of the world’s largest palm oil producer. Experience from Germany tells us that whatever the promises of the owners these projects end up using palm-oil, being the cheapest and most available bio-liquid.

We need a passionate local campaign with a national impact to prevent this. Please join us.

Email or contact Duncan on 07958 635181.

Visit and like our Facebook page (and share it with Friends) which has presentations from our Public Meeting on 10 July including important information on air quality from Clean Air in London.

Read our 4 page briefing:

Bad Biofuels in Battersea Battersea Power Station biofuel power plant

Download our poster here:
